This article leads to who has applied for pan cards in utiitsl as CSC vle’s, retailer, shopkeepers, private id company. without this, you can’t apply a new pan card, not changes in your pan card such as name, dob, father name, etc. its compulsory for who’s work in here are steps for installing mac utility in your system & also required JDK (java develop kit) or JRE (java runtime environment) java in your os. First, you have a login or visit the (utiitsl) respective portal then download it according to your system (x86-x64).
Extract file and place or copy to c or d drive mac utility folder in the system then install java (JRE java package) on your system. Download the JRE package from this main link: ‘‘’’ Otherwise the user can also download the JRE Java Package from google drive for Windows 32/Windows 64
bit OS. google drive link: You can easily download java packages from google drive.
Hence, after some time your java will be installed and then set JRE_HOME Environment Variable in your system settings by pointing to the JRE installation folder, for example, C:Program FilesJavajre1.8.0_221 & press OK.
Open Command prompt (cmd) or Cmd Run as administrator then type cd\ & C: or D: where your mac utility folder placed in drive Type cd mac utility & service.bat install in command prompt (cmd).
Hence, Mac Utility has installed now & Service has running on your os & now you can do all services of pan card in Utiitsl and if any problem comes in installation then comment or email us & we will find or solve the problem and if you download mac utility 32 bit then rename folder macutility32 to mac utility.